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Sekretesspolicyn nedan innehåller den information som krävs för att behandla uttalandet i enlighet med EU:s dataskyddsförordning. I vårt företag följer vi bestämmelserna i dataskyddsförordningen och dataskyddslagen vid behandling av personuppgifter. GFB London kan ändra denna sekretesspolicy genom att publicera en ny version. Vi uppmuntrar dig att bekanta dig med vår integritetspolicy med jämna mellanrum. Beredningsdatum: 11/12/2021 Uppdaterad: 21/5/2022, 1 Controller GOFLYBUY LLP 128 City Road, London, Storbritannien. 2 Register - Kundregister över Boende och Hyresgäster av semesterlägenheter - Vecko Inventeringsregister Marknadsföringsregister Demobokningsregister Semesterboknings- och lotteriregister för företagskunder B-to-B kundbas Ring- och zoominspelningar Register över kunder med marknadsföringsförbud Även om registren nämns i dessa användarvillkor som separata enheter bildar de ändå en helhet som inte alltid är lätt att separera. Information från blanketterna kan skickas till GFB Holidays Finlands marknadsföringsregister. Vi har listat dem för att göra förklaringen lättare att förstå. 3 Syfte med personuppgiftsbehandling och rättslig grund för behandling 3.1 Kundregister GFB London behandlar många kunduppgifter i olika sammanhang. Våra viktigaste kundregister är: . 1. Register förs på basis av veckoaktielistan. 2. Marknadsföra kundregister. Utöver ovan nämnda register har GFB London även de andra register som nämns i avsnitt 2. Behandlingen av personuppgifter grundar sig på en avtalsartikel eller lag eller GFG Londons berättigade intresse Lagen reglerar behandlingen och lagringen av kunddata. GFB Holidays Finlands eget intresse för operativa ändamål, såsom kvalitetskontroll, utveckling av tjänster, mätning av kundnöjdhet, utbildning av personal och tillhandahållande av tilläggstjänster. Förmånen som beviljas enligt lag är avsedd att skydda rättigheter och egendom och att upprätthålla fysisk säkerhet och datasäkerhet. Förhoppningen är att parterna ska agera i enlighet med avtalet angående personuppgifterna för kundregistreringen. Kunden får till exempel en tjänst eller annan produkt eller tjänst köpt enligt avtalet. Syftet med kundregistren är även utveckling av tekniska eller aktierelaterade aktiviteter, Lagerhantering och utveckling av bokningssystem, förbättring och underhåll av kundrelationer samt arrangemang för GFB Londons och kundens skyldigheter och rättigheter. . 3.2 Onlineformulär GFB London har flera olika onlineformulär i sin onlinetjänst, vars syfte är att förtydliga formuläret i fråga. Våra onlineformulär är till exempel kundnöjdhetsundersökningar, aktievärdebedömningsformulär eller andra liknande undersökningar som förbättrar kundnöjdheten eller undersökningar vars handläggning bygger på kundens samtycke och samtidigt har kunden möjlighet att ge samtycke till marknadsföring. Det är dock alltid separata tillstånd. . 3.3 Onlineformulär GFB London har flera olika onlineformulär i sin onlinetjänst, vars syfte är att förtydliga formuläret i fråga. Våra onlineformulär är till exempel kundnöjdhetsundersökningar, aktievärderingsformulär eller andra liknande undersökningar som förbättrar kundnöjdheten eller undersökningar vars bearbetning baseras på kundernas samtycke och samtidigt har kunden möjlighet att ge samtycke till marknadsföring. Det är dock alltid separata tillstånd.

4 Information content of the register:

4.1 Shareholder and share transactions A list of shareholders is kept. According to the apartment, according to the Companies Act, the recipient of the share is entered into the list when the necessary proof of ownership has been received and a certificate of payment of the transfer tax has been received.

GFB London, the shareholder's information is kept only as long as he owns the share. In addition to the information, based on the mentioned law, other essential information can also be collected about the shareholders, but this processing is based on the central customer work of GFB London and the customer. We have the right to keep information based on transactions between GFB London and the customer. GFB London keeps share certificates and other documents related to share trading. The information to be recorded is the person's name, social security number, address, telephone number, email address, customer number, distribution date, purchase, information on ownership, possible guardianship or guardianship, gender, profession, form of finance and number of family members, income and asset information and bill payment information, marital status, information on the deed of sale, information about rent and other payments related to the deed of sale, contact information, information and other information sent by the customer. When a financing arrangement is made with a shareholder, the Customer must be aware that GFB London is only a financing intermediary and that the customer's information is provided to the company offering to finance. Regarding this information, the financial company works for the controller and the information is stored in the company's own systems.


4.2 Rental customers and other customers Only information permitted by law is collected from customers Information collected and stored about customers is the person's name, address, telephone number, email address, citizenship, social security number or, if this is not available, date of birth, corresponding information for persons travelling with the passenger.

4.3 Marketing Information collected and stored about customers is the person's name, address, phone number, e-mail address.

4.4 Presentation time reservation register The information collected and held by GFB London about those invited and participating in the presentation. The data to be stored are name, address, phone number, email address, presentation time and customer segment. You will also be informed of canceled show times to stay on the register.


4.5 Business customers The Consumer Protection Act does not apply to business customers. GFB London

separately maintains a business customer register. The register stores information about existing and potential business customers of GFB London. The register stores the company's basic information question and the company's contact person's basic information, such as name, address, phone number and email address.


4.6 Call and zoom recordings The content of the phone conversation is automatically recorded in the call and zoom recordings. The call is recorded as an audio file. Information about when the telephone conversation took place, which customer has been saved from the calls, the information is not disclosed or transferred outside the EU or the European Economic Area to anyone, not to any individuals, companies or organizations. The exception is, of course, industry-related contracts, which must be separately agreed upon. GFB London can hand over information to its partners outside the EEA, but in this case models will be created for the partner in accordance with the EU model agreements. Marketing information is acquired by an external service provider as an additional service. This additional information will not be transferred to GFB London.
GFB London owns the customer register, but it is kept for information in the service provider's register. GFB London transfers personal data to the processor for the implementation of this ancillary service.

5 Personal data storage periods When storing personal data, we follow good practices and unitede kingdom aw. Call and zoom and voice recordings are stored for a maximum of six months after the call started. Information from elsewhere Forms are stored as long as it is necessary for the purpose of use.

6 Register protection principles Access rights to GFB Londons egisters are limited. Data protection and its monitoring comply with EU regulations.

7 A person's right to check their personal data Everyone has the right to receive information from GFB London, whether their personal data is being processed and what it is. The person can also make the request in person or in another way in writing. To the extent that GFB London acts as a processor, GFB London does not provide information about the person, and is not the data controller, the request should be submitted to the data controller. We will respond to the information request as soon as possible, but no later than within one month of receiving the information request. We refuse unreasonable requests for information.

8 Correction or deletion of personal data You can request correction of incorrect personal data. We will correct the information as soon as possible. Notifications should be sent to Everyone has the right to have their personal data removed from the register. The person has the right to demand that GFB Holidays Finland limit the processing of personal data, (1) The processing is against the law and the person objects to the deletion of the personal data and instead demands that their use be restricted (2) GFB London no longer needs the personal data for the processing of the question, but the person needs it due to a legal requirement to prepare. Personal data can only be processed with the consent of the person or to impose a legal sanction or to protect the rights of another natural person or legal person. This restriction does not apply to the retention of personal data.

9 The court objects to the processing for a personal reason. Everyone has the right to object to the processing of personal data by GFB London citing a special reason.

10 Prohibition of direct marketing If personal data is used for direct marketing, the person can at any time deny that the data is not used for marketing purposes. In this case, personal data can no longer be processed for this purpose. If the customer wants to prohibit direct marketing, they must notify GFB London in writing.

11 A person's right to transfer data Everyone has the right to receive their personal data held by GFB London, and requests that it be transferred to another data controller. The customer can also send personal data to another data controller with the permission of the right of inspection. 15 Right of appeal Supervisory authorities All legal entities have the right to complain to United's competent supervisory authority, the Kingdom, if they believe that GFB London has not complied with the data protection regulations.

You can see the GFB Londons company number at the bottom of every page of the domain name, there you will find company certificates from the company's house. 

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